domingo, 16 de agosto de 2015


UFOs IN MADRID (1978) 

It was 1978. In a cold autumn evening when a set of exotic lights were flying near the roofs in Madrid city, towards the Villaverde populous district.

They had a fuzzy origin, but their destination is even more unknown…

Attentive to all them a mother and her 3 year old son were looking at this unusual and intriguing phenomenon, while his other son, named Juan María Hernández was sleeping, he was oblivious to this disturbing event, but perhaps in his inner dreams, he was also aware of this bizarre event.

Their eyes, incredulous and with a certain fear of the unknown, are set in these lights that come from the north and heading south... with constant speed, and in perfect flying formation.

On those nearby roofs, at a distance of about 600 meters, all these machines had a kind of sound, which was like a strange hum.

That sound did not fit the typical noise of a military helicopter pattern, and it cannot be not nearly to the sound produced by the engines of commercial aircraft. They seem oblivious to the devices created by engineers, during the late 70s. It was a period where to self-destruct with nuclear power was closer than ever.

Cold War era, when the nuke confrontation was a complete reality, with both Warsaw Pact and NATO were ready for launching preventive nuclear attacks.

It was in the inner mood of both superpowers to show all the power, via media propaganda or even using military researches and bizarre artifacts.... Should those strange objects show strength of an empire over the other?

Will they be a sign of our ignorance to Nature that we endeavor to imprison in physical laws? On the other hand, perhaps most intriguing, Will they be the proof that in this reality around us there are others who live with us and occasionally become visible? The mystery was finally made physical reality.

Strange yellow and orange lights rotate slowly within each UFO, while the training of about eight UFOs continue moving away from the capital of Spain. They were flying across the night skies of a country awakened to its imperfect Democracy, and to the aggressive computer and communication technology, which has revolutionized our lives.

37 years later, I have just put those facts within this article. In its day, some local newspapers and Radio Stations were publishing such kind of news, which were very common in Spain in the 70s and early 80s.
We live in 2015, and we have not a clue regarding the meaning of those UFOS in the night sky of Madrid, Would they be military secret or human technology? .... The mystery and the magical curiosity are still here.

Juan Maria Hernandez

August 16th, 2015

PD - These UFOs were being seen by a whole district in 1978. For my misfortune, I was sleeping, while my mother and my little brother saw those eight UFOs in our home in Madrid. By the way, the day after the UFOs in Madrid, we three moved to Las Palmas de Gran Canaria Island because of my father's work.

The important thing is that those facts do not remain forgotten.

Ana Maria Perez Parra (my mother) commented: 'they suddenly appeared over the roof of the other houses and they went slowly up but they were flying with very low altitude. As seen in the photo, the UFOs were in orange and yellow colors simultaneously, they appeared in silent and suddenly a noise started to sound like 'pac pac pac'  several times and they were slowly moving away'

GoogleMaps 2015 Image describing the UFO route towards South part of Madrid city.

In fact, the UFOs 'path' was almost empty from houses in September 1978.

Composition of the UFOs' approach in Madrid city. These are current photos, they are not from 1978!

sábado, 15 de agosto de 2015



Tarde noche del frío otoño de 1978, sobre Madrid un conjunto de exóticas luces surcan los cielos cercanos a los tejados de la capital, y alcanzan el populoso barrio de Villaverde.

Su origen desconocido, su destino aún lo es más...

Atentos a los mismos una madre y su hijo de 3 años contemplan este fenómeno inusual e intrigante, mientras su otro hijo duerme, tranquilo, ajeno a este suceso inquietante (quizás en sus sueños lo esté captando igualmente, con igual fuerza). Sus miradas, incrédulas y con un cierto miedo a lo desconocido, se fijan en estas luces que surgen desde el norte, y se dirigen hacia el sur.... con velocidad constante, y en formación perfecta.

Sobre esos tejados cercanos, a una distancia de unos 600 metros, no más, ese conjunto de aeronaves provocan un zumbido ajeno a lo común. No se pueden catalogar ni como el típico ruido de un helicóptero militar, ni por asomo al sonido producido por los motores de los aviones comerciales, ya que parecen ajenos a los artificios creados por una humanidad empecinada a finales de los años 70 a autodestruirse, con la energía nuclear. 

Época de Guerra Fría, de confrontación sinsentido, de Pacto de Varsovia y de la OTAN, en el apogeo de su guerra nuclear preventiva. Estaba en el ánimo de las superpotencias demostrar todo su poderío en todos los campos.... militar, propagandístico-mediático... ¿serán estos objetos extraños la demostración de fuerza de un Imperio sobre el otro? ¿será la una muestra más de nuestro desconocimiento hacia la Naturaleza que nos empeñamos en encarcelar en leyes físicas? o quizás lo más intrigante, ¿será la muestra de que en esta realidad que nos rodea hay otras entidades que conviven con nosotros y que de vez en cuando se hacen visibles? Mágico misterio hecho realidad física.

Ruido extraño, ajeno a la cotidianidad, las luces amarillas y naranjas van rotando paulatinamente, mientras que esta formación de unas 8 aeronaves se siguen desplazando, alejándose de la capital de España, surcando los cielos nocturnos de un país que despierta a la Democracia imperfecta y a la agresiva tecnología que revolucionará nuestras vidas.

37 años más tarde, quedará plasmado en las redes de la información este suceso bizarro, aunque ya en su día, periódicos y alguna radio se hacían eco de este tipo de noticias, que eran muy comunes en una España de la transición.

2015 y aún no sabemos a qué se debió esta aparición en el cielo nocturno de Madrid, secreto militar, o tecnología no humana.... El misterio, la curiosidad y la magia continua.

Juan María Hernández

16 de Agosto de 2015

GoogleMaps 2015 Image describing the UFO route towards South part of Madrid city.

In fact, the UFOs 'path' was almost empty from houses in September 1978.

Descripción gráfica de lo sucedido en 1978